Facility Emission Inventories
One of the role of the District is to collect data on the emissions of pollutants primarily from facilities (e.g. stationary sources) from within the District boundaries.
General emission inventory data is accessible to the public on the California Air Resources Board (CARB) website as a part of the Community Health Air Pollution Information System (CHAPIS). The air pollutant emission information contained in CHAPIS is provided for general informational purposes. The development of the information used in CHAPIS was a joint effort between the ARB and the State's 35 local air pollution control or air quality management districts. Districts like the NCUAQMD provide the data for facilities in their jurisdiction. Please consult your local air district for the most recent data available for specific facilities. ARB should be contacted regarding mobile source emissions.
There are two classifications of pollutants: criteria pollutants and those termed toxic pollutants. The criteria pollutants are: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, ozone, sulfur oxides and lead; all of which have health protective standards established by both the Federal EPA and the California Air Resources Board.
The toxic pollutants, called Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) at the federal level and Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs) at the State level, are monitored and their emissions governed by several regulations. These requirements are usually contained in District air quality permits for facilities (stationary sources) of emissions.
In 1987, the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act was enacted which requires stationary sources of emissions to report the types and quantities of certain substances routinely released into the air. The goals of the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Act are to collect emission data, to identify facilities having localized impacts, to ascertain health risks, to notify nearby residents of significant risks, and to reduce those significant risks to acceptable levels. A more general overview of the Act, including information links to related legislation are available on the California Air Resources Board's "Hot Spots" webpage.
If you have any questions about the emission inventory with the District, please contact the District staff at (707) 443-3093 or support@ncuaqmd.org.