AQ Kids Corner
Environmental Kids Club!
U.S. Environmental Protention Agency's (EPA) Environmental Kids Club is filled with information and activities to help keep the planet clean.
EPA Wood Stove Color & Activity Book
Children can read the story about best burning practices, color the pictures, and do activities.
(Courtesy of EPA)
The California Air Resources Board's (ARB) Know Zone is designed for kids, students and teachers to learn more about air pollution and how to help keep our air clean and healthy.
Planet Polluto
This interactive game taps into your skills and knowledge to help save Pollutonians from the ravages of air pollution. (Grades 4-8)
This interactive web site that teaches young adults how weather and human activities affect air quality. (Courtesy of Sacramento AQMD and the U.S. EPA)
Visit CARB's
"Interactive California Air Basins"
web area where air pollution facts are fun!
U.S. EPA "Kids'Air" teaches kids about the AQI (Air Quality Index) and includes games and activities.